Omer's Labels

Monday, 22 November 2010


The general look and feel of college material such as the prospectus is aimed at being generally feel-good and fun place but also a strong underlying theme of a good learning environment with career direction. One example of this is the photo on prospectus page 31. The subject is smiling and appears to be enjoying themselves which is key to making people think the college is a nice place to be. The photo appears to be Arts/Fashion related and allow the subject to look glamourous and maybe slightly eccentric, showing the college offers different courses for all types of people. She is also shot on what appears to be outside of college, maybe backstage somewhere. This shows that there is life and career opportunity beyond Barnet. This photo fits the brief's concept of showing the college in a positive light.

A photo that could be viewed to not fit the brief would be on page 10 of the prospectus. To me, it feels invasive and a little uncomfortable to look at first off. I then move on to wonder what this photo actually says about the subject or the college and I come to the conclusion that it doesn't say anything, positive or negative. If we were to clutch at straws, we could argue it shows ethnic diversity on the college but other than that it deems itself an unsuccessful photo.

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