Omer's Labels

Monday, 4 April 2011

Posters That I Like


This is a very typical looking film noir poster. My idea for my poster will be similar in terms of typography but I like the idea of using silhouettes instead of complete images to add to the mystery of the film style. These silhouettes could be of the femme fatale, the male protagonist or many of the iconic props used such as a gun or a trilby...

Sin City

Sin City is a much more modern twist on the Film Noir style. Although not strictly considered a Film Noir, it takes many elements from the style to make the movie instantly recognisable. Here is how Sin City relates to the Film Noir style:

Cinematography & Lighting
Close-ups/ Extreme close-ups
Head Shots
Depth of Field Shots
Shot in Black and white (but with some stand-out colours)
Lots of low-key lighting
High contrast/Deep Shadows

Subject Matter
Multiple Femme Fatales (Highlighted by the colour red)
Multiple male characters who use Guns and other weaponry
Lots of police
Dark Themes (i.e. corruption and peadophilia)

Film Noir

A style of film-making that became prominent during the early post-war period that became iconic for it's dark themes, crime and corruption and femme fatale's who would lead on and trick the protagonist into compromising situations. Although each individual movie was different, it was these themes along with certain iconography (guns, cigarettes, trilby hats, urban surroundings) that tied the films in to create this particular style.